Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe that Jesus has called all Christians to fulfill the great commission. This is the command to go into all the world and make disciples. Our goal is to see the advance of the gospel for the glory of God. We achieve this goal two ways: actively participating in domestic and foreign missions and funding domestic and foreign missions through both associational giving, direct funding, and various mission offerings such as the Lottie Moon Christmas offering.

Support the mission.
San Jose, Costa Rica.
FBC Ripley is partnering with Longview Point Baptist Church and Worship Convergence International to send a team of 10 missionaries to Costa Rica. Our team will minister to and worship with the “Ticos” or “locals” through concerts, evangelism, prayer walking and partnership in mercy ministries. Their main purpose is to spread the gospel through one on one evangelism, music, and ministry centered projects that encourage and edify churches and partners on the ground in
San Jose, Costa Rica.
The mission will be from July 7-13, 2025. Scroll down to meet the team and use the link below to
help support the mission financially.
San Jose, Costa Rica.
The mission will be from July 7-13, 2025. Scroll down to meet the team and use the link below to
help support the mission financially.
Meet our 2025 Costa Rica Missions Team.

Greg Beaty
"I am very excited for the opportunity the Lord has given me to go to Costa Rica this July. Not only am I excited to go and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am excited to serve alongside my daughter and such an awesome team as well. My prayer for this trip is that we will remain Kingdom Focused & that God will use us to bring the good news of His Son, Jesus Christ, to a lost and dying world."

Abby Beaty
"I’m beyond excited to share the love of Christ with those who have never witnessed His goodness in Costa Rica! I can’t wait to watch others move forward and aim their lives towards Christ, and be able to share how rewarding His love truly is. I pray that many people will be reached and that they will respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Tom Tom Magers
"I have always been passionate about music, so to be able to go on a mission trip and share the gospel through music is very exciting to me. I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to go and serve however I am needed."

Hazel Nelson
"I’m so blessed that I get to go on this trip. The Lord has blessed me so much that I would like to give back whatever I’m capable of doing. I love helping wherever I’m needed and I know the Lord will use me. It excites me so much to know that I am working for the Lord!"

Jonathon Hitt
"I can’t wait to go on this mission trip! This will be my third mission trip, but my first mission trip out of the states. While we are waiting to go, I am preparing my heart to let God move me and to allow me help spread the gospel for His purpose and glory. I’m excited to see how God will work in us and the people of Costa Rica while we are there!"

Liz Thurmond
"I’m choosing to say Yes! I absolutely love Jesus and music…what a powerful way to share the Gospel. I go in the name of Jesus; honored to be sent out by my church family! That’s a WOW for me."

Donna Blythe
"I pray God can use each of us in a positive way! Many years ago I was privileged to go on a mission trip to Malawi, Africa. I saw how God worked and how the people's lives were completely changed! It was a hard trip, but so worth the effort to be able to witness to so many people, and now, I'm excited to witness to the people of Costa Rica! I want to be able to plant the seed of salvation into the hearts of these precious people, and see lives changed for the glory of God!"

Ronnie Blythe
"When I became a Christian, God gave me a desire to be a positive influence in the lives of others. Through this trip, I pray that God will use me to positively influence the people of Costa Rica with the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ!"

Lucas Ledbetter
"I am super excited for the opportunity to serve the Lord in Costa Rica this July! I am looking forward to working alongside this awesome team to share the Gospel of Christ with the people of Costa Rica and to worship the Lord together! I cannot wait to see all that God is going to do on this trip!"
Jessica Shoup
"Singing brings me joy which is usually evident in my smiling face during worship service. I feel that God is leading me to join this mission trip to share His message and love with others in Costa Rica."

Micah Fogerty
"I have felt God calling me into some form of mission service for quite a while now. I have prayed for the right opportunity, and God has shown me that NOW is the time to GO & SERVE Him. I am thankful that HE is able to use a useless sinner like me to go and tell lost souls about how he pursued me and how HE has transformed me through His grace."