FBC Women's Ministry


Get to know more about our ministry

OUR WWW MISSION is to glorify God through prayerfully planned activities & events for women, while promoting KINGDOM FOCUSED SPIRITUAL GROWTH.
OUR WWW VISION is "Building Bridges & Overcoming Barriers While Helping Women Discover Their God-Given Potential."

Join us for our next meeting!

W W W will meet Sunday, December 1st
from 3:00-5:00pm
@ The Red Barn

7721 Co Rd.  701
Ripley, MS

"I am extremely thankful for the team God has put together to start WWW.  I've needed a ministry like this for a while."

- Melissa Criswell

"YES! Women helping other women."

- Kay Eaton

"An amazing gathering of fellow Christian sisters."

- Beverly Moffitt

Meet the W W W team.

Rita Phillips

Rita is the wife of Stanley Phillips, Pastor of FBC Ripley. Together they have 4 adult children and 9 beautiful grandchildren.  God has given Rita the passion & vision to help lead a Women’s Ministry that focuses on encouraging other women to step out in faith and follow Jesus. She is very excited to see where God will take the ladies of  FBC as they journey together.

Dana Smith

Dana is the wife of Scott Smith, and they have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.  She has been a Registered Nurse for 30 years and is currently employed by NMHS.  Dana believes she can help other women by sharing her testimony of how God has been her anchor in times of trouble & wants to encourage them to anchor themselves in Him and to have faith to step out of the boat.  

Cheryl Thurmond

Type your new text here.

Terri Stanford

Terri is the wife of Dr. John Stanford., and they have been married for over 40 years.  They have 3 sons, 2 daughter in laws, and 5 wonderful grandchildren.  Terri has had the privilege of being the Director of Development for My Choices Pregnancy Help Clinic for the past 18 years.  She is very thankful to be apart of the WWW planning team and is eager to use her testimony for God's glory in order to help lead other women to serve Him and each other. 

Lisa Massengill

Lisa is the wife of Michael Massengill, and they have celebrated 38 years of marriage.  They have 3 adult children, whom they raised at FBC Ripley, and now they now have 5 wonderful grandchildren. Lisa's involvement with the church decreased over the last several years, but being back in her home church has been the biggest blessing to her.  She hopes that in sharing that part of her testimony, she can help other women see how the church plays an instrumental and vital role in the raising of young families.  

Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing.      

James 1:2-4

Walking on